
Gnome: A Short Story

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“Mama! Mama!” A voice lifted from the lush overgrowth of lilac and roses. Four-year-old Katherine crawled out from the bushes. Strawberry blond curls bounced in her exertions. Her face beaming with pride as she brandished her discovery. A handful of lilac flowers, stripped from a bush, crumpled in her tiny fist. “I found these for you!”
Cassie smiled at her daughter, catching the scent of flowers and earth.
“Oh my goodness! They’re beautiful, thank you!” She scooped her up, snuggled her close. Tiny arms held her fiercely with a moistened kiss on her cheek. “So you like the garden?”
“Oh yes, mama! Our new house is perfect!” A finger pointed to the overgrown corner of the yard. “And I found a secret place, and a new friend!” “Who is your new friend?” Cassie eased …show more content…

“I had to say hello to Mr. Weedly.”
“Who is Mr. Weedly?”
“The little man in the bushes.”
The gnome.
“Did he say good morning?”
The girl nodded. “He liked my Poptart.” Dropping a pile of flowers and weeds, she began sorting them into a bouquet.
“You…gave it your poptart?”
“Only half.” Kitty corrected, focused on her work. “We shared.”
Cass sighed. “I didn’t know gnomes liked Poptarts.”
“What’s a gnome?” Her brilliant eyes stared inquiringly to her mother.
Frowning, she suddenly wasn’t so sure. “Something like a fairy, I think.”
“He said he would protect us.” The child went back to organizing the flowers she gathered that day. A daisy was handed to her mother with a smile.
“We’re safe, honey.” Cass assured her, but nagging doubts continued to concern her. What if he finds us?
She made sure to say nothing to friends and family. Even her mother didn’t know where they lived. They agreed it was for the best, until Kitty was older. Perhaps Mitch would’ve moved on by then.
Forcing a smile, she pushed fears and worries off. She had to focus on the here and now, to keep moving

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