
God Vs Gods In The Odyssey

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Is there a difference between the Christian God and the gods in the famous book known as the Odyssey? Should we really care if God or the gods of the odyssey are better or worse than the other or for that matter be thankful that we are ruled by God rather than the Odyssey gods? In many ways they are very different. Sending his only son to die on the cross God, loving and merciful, showed he cared about his mortals, while the gods of The Odyssey will try to kill you even if you slightly offend their children. No caring for mortals there. Surprisingly that’s just one of the many qualities that separates the Odyssey gods to the real almighty God. While that by itself is a pretty convincing fact that our God, who is prince of peace, is better than …show more content…

Thankfully, God, lover of all, does this because he is a forgiving God. In the Bible Colossians 3:13 seriously states, ’Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.’ When it says forgive as the Lord forgave you, it means that God forgave us of all our sins so he is willing to keep us from hell. Another verse mentions in Ephesians 4:31-32, ‘Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.’ Reading this we see that God once again forgave us so that we could have eternal life away from hell. Now thats a great God! The Odyssey god do not forgive. At least not without a fancy sacrifice and even then you’re not guaranteed forgiveness. In chapter 10 of The Odyssey, Odysseus offered a huge sacrifice to Poseidon, yet Poseidon would not forgive him, he was determined to get Odysseus to hades, which is hell in The Odyssey. So because gods barely ever forgive mortals rarely does a mortal escape hell's grasp and even if the gods did favour you they didn’t have much input when it came to escaping hell. Since they can’t help you escape hell they don’t have infinite power like the one and only …show more content…

Aside from the fact that he is able to save us from hell he created the Universe instantly and perfectly. Thats a lot of power! Demonstrating a great amount of power he made the stars the sun the earth and everything in it. The very first verse of the bible, which is 100% true, clearly says, ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The Odyssey gods are definitely not infinitely powerful because it took them a really long time to create a non perfect world and they were the ones who introduced sin into the world not human beings. Surprisingly when the gods want someone dead it takes them a long time to do it because their power is limited. When Poseidon, mad at Odysseus, tried to kill Odysseus in chapter 9 in the Odyssey but he fail multiple times. Since all the gods power is divided he only controlled the sea. So the gods had no power compared to the never ending power of

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