
Grassroots Movement: The Sierra Club

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A grassroots movement is a movement that starts from the bottom up through the initiatives of individuals with a singular goal. Usually spurred from a disagreement with a process or law, and is driven by a desire to change or make something better. Growing as common goals aligned with different people, and organizations with similar goals to champion a cause or strive to make the world a better place. The Sierra Club is the largest environmental grassroots movement, focused on preserving the environment through recreation, education, and conservation of natural habitats and resources. It began with a few members in California led by conservationist John Muir who devoted their time and efforts to expand the Yosemite national park. It has since …show more content…

Although recreation and education largely contribute to the Sierra Clubs purpose, it all starts with conservation. Through the tireless efforts of the club’s founders, and hundreds of thousands of volunteers, the small grassroots movement that started as a group of friends is largely responsible for creation of our national parks, clean-fuel initiatives, and sustainable agriculture practices. In the 1950’s to better align itself with issues that directly affected the natural wildlife habitat, the club changed their emphasis from conservation to environmentalism. “This meant that by its tenth decade the Sierra Club was deeply involved in solving new and challenging problems” (pg. 10). “Air quality in many U.S. cities was causing lung disease, industries poured wastes into the nation’s waterways with impunity, and nearly every day someone discovered children playing on an abandoned toxic-waste dump” (pg. 10). Currently the environmental conservation efforts of the Sierra Club have assisted in creating numerous government organizations to regulate industrial waste, land management, air pollution just to name a few. The Sierra Club is a good example of how a group of environmental conservationists can unite with a common goal and change federal, and local policies to preserve the earth for generations to

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