
Greek and Roman Architecture Essay example

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Greek and Roman Architecture

Greek and Roman architecture is truly amazing. They each had great ideas, and fabulous productions. It is said that the Pantheon is to Italy what the Parthenon is to Greece. Both are tremendous monuments that reek of culture and history. Each had a purpose which was displayed by the design and construction of each. There are such great meanings behind each of these architecural structures. The Romans and the Greeks alike worshipped and dedicated their structures and designs to the Gods and Goddess they believed in.

The Pantheon is a temple to all the Greek gods and goddesses. The Pantheon was a temple in honor of the Olympic gods; in fact, the word pantheon is Greek for "of all the gods" It is the …show more content…

From the outside of the Pantheon the dome seems shallow and insignificant, said to be purposely done not to ruin the "suprise" of the interior (Gilbert 379). It is only when viewing the inside that one can truly appreciate the amazing architectural design and workmanship of this building. Another remarkable attribute of this temple to the gods is that it is still in use today with much of the original materials intact. The columns, the marble paneled walls, the floor, and the two enormous bronze doors are all originals, making the Pantheon the best preserved surviving Roman structure. The Panthenon can be viewed at the following site which shows many pictures of the interior and exterior of this truly remarkle building:

Dedicated to the goddess Athena, the warrior maiden, the Parthenon is a Doric style temple (Gilbert 368). It took about 15 years to complete this strucutre (Gilbert 370). A lot like the Roman Pantheon, it had many columns surrounding the interior and exterior of this structure. This place was decorated with many sculptures along the inner roof top. It was painted in vivid colors, such as red and blue (Gilbert 370). Refered to as the cella its inner chamber housed the monumental statue of the Goddess Athena. Pheidias' hisself created this thirty foot high statue of Athena Parthenos, consisting of a frame made of wood, metal, clay, and plaster.

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