
Growth of Arab Nationalism

Decent Essays

Arab nationalism was a movement striving for Arab political unity in the Middle East. There was undoubtedly a huge increase in an Arab sense of nationalism between the years 1948 and 1973. One major reason for this was the creation of the State of Israel in 1948, which gave the Arab powers something to unite against, because not a single Arab nation recognised Israel as a legitimate state. There were other reasons, however, most notably the continuing struggle of the Palestinian people and the Palestinian Liberation Organisation, Nasser and Arab frustrations with the actions of the west.
The State of Israel was created in 1948 after the British withdrew from their mandate after years of terrorism. In its first day of existence it was …show more content…

A high point of Nasser’s regime was the Suez crisis of 1956. He expelled Western “imperialist” troops from the Suez Canal and it was portrayed as a huge victory, proving the Arab nations could compete with the combined might of not only Israel but also France and Britain. Even though, in reality, it was because the UN forced them to withdraw, it was made out to be because of the strength and determination of Egyptian troops. Nasser was made out to be a hero in the Arab world, and mobs were seen throughout the Arab world screaming and chanting Nasser’s name. The Suez crisis, along with the charismatic nature of Nasser, inspired belief in the Arab World that they could finally achieve their goal: to liquidate and destroy Israel. Another way in which Nasser encouraged Arab nationalism was through his opposition to the Baghdad Pact – a pact aligning Turkey, Iran and potentially Iraq with the Western Powers. Nasser, through the world largest radio station – “The voice of the Arabs” -, portrayed any country thinking of joining the pact as traitors to the Arab people, thereby stirring up that feeling of the Arabs being one people, as opposed to individual states who can make their own decisions. As a consequence of Nasser’s campaign only three states joined the pact. This was because the people were so against the idea of abandoning the Arab fight the governments had no choice but to abandon the pact. Nasser was consequentially a vital component in the

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