
Gun Censorship Research

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Results. The first set of data to be looked at is gun ownership and the percentage of males and females that agree or disagree to the ownership of guns. As can be seen on Table 1 which deals with gun ownership it is seen that 30 percent of females are in favor of the ownership of guns, while 39 percent of males say ‘yes’ to gun ownership. Taking the difference from the percentages of males who say ‘yes’ and females who say ‘yes’, there is a difference of 9 percent. Using the rule of thumb for calculating a relationship between the variables, because the difference is less than 11 percent, there is only a small relationship among females and males who are in favor of gun ownership. When looking at the percentages of women and males who are …show more content…

When looking at opinions towards abortion, the table shows that 45 percent of females would ‘always’ allow an abortion, no matter the reason. While 44 percent of males feel the same way. The relationship here is virtually nonexistent. Even when observing opinions such as ‘never’ allow an abortion, the percentage difference is still too small to produce any meaningful relationship. With 13 percent of women feeling that abortions should never be permitted which is higher than the male opinion which is 11 percent in favor of never permitting …show more content…

Through a series of tests, focusing on keeping Gender the independent variable and testing it against 8 different dependent variable. The results from the study suggest that females tend to have more liberal opinions towards public policy than males. This is not to say that there is a large relationship, in point of fact there is a small to an almost non-existent relationship. Though the hypothesis is not wrong, it is not a correct to say with 100% certainty that females will always have more liberal opinions towards public policy than males. As seen in Tables 7 and 8, both had small relationships and concluded that for defense sending, males tended to hold more liberal opinions. And though small by only 5 points, it still exists. The reason for the evening of opinions between males and females may attribute back to Welch’s argument in her paper Are Women More Liberal Than Men in the US Congress (Welch, 1985). Her conclusion was, though there is a small relationship with females holding more liberal voting patterns, the gap seems to be dwindling as years progress. This could be due to the fact that females are becoming a much more prominent force in politics as opposed to the past. The amount of females with education may be increasing as well as become more independent from males and able to stand their ground and hold firm opinions. This paper reaffirms this belief

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