
Healthcare Information Technology For A Medium Sized Organization

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Healthcare information technology is a growing and promising, tool with the goal of improving quality, safety, and efficiency of the delivery of healthcare. But with this technology comes possible risk of security breaches. It is imperative to run risk analysis and apply technical safeguards to protect confidential healthcare information. The Office of Civil Rights along with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Privacy Rule protect the public’s rights of nondiscrimination and health information privacy (Sayles, 2013). In addition, the Patient Safety Act and Rule establish a voluntary reporting system to enhance the data available to assess and resolve patient safety and health care quality issues (Sayles, 2013). In the following cases breaches of confidentiality were reported, a violation of the law, and enforcement was set in place. Herein, the cases will be summarized and the principal threats will be highlighted. A sample security plan with for a medium sized organization will be included along with a critique of the plan.
In May of 2014 two health care organizations settled with the Office of Civil Rights for damages regarding a joint breach report. The settlement resulted in $4,800,000 in damages for failing to secure thousands of patient’s personal health information (PHI) (Office of Civil Rights, 2014). The parties involved were New York Presbyterian Hospital (NYPH) and Columbia University; separate entities with a joint arrangement. The university

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