
Heathcliff's Diary

Decent Essays

When I am asked about my adolescent years the first thought that comes to mind is Heathcliff. He was mystery and excitement wrapped together with secrets for a bow. Mother, Father and I were staying at the summer home when Heathcliff made my acquaintance. Annually, we leave the main palace and come to the one west of Yorkshire near a town called Blackpool. Every year when we arrive, there are new servants; on my seventeenth year, the conditions were the just that.
The immense cobblestone towers rose high with an alluring view of the ocean, I will never forget the way the air felt different that June as the carriage pulled closer. It was lighter somehow; we all could feel the pleasant change as we stepped from the horse drawn vessel. Before …show more content…

I ran through the meadows and I never looked back until I reached the little pond on the south side of the property. Then, when I whirled around I was shocked to find him right behind me, a smile lighting up his dark features. I smiled back him and said, “I can feel that we will be great friends, Heathcliff.”
“I agree, my lady,” he replied. Over the next two and a half years, Heathcliff remained by my side, constantly guarding and protecting me. We attended my first season, meanwhile he stayed by the wall and watched as I twirled and danced those nights away. He kept an eye of for suspicious men; in the same manner I kept my eye out for acceptable suitors. When we were not being dressed to the nines and sent on our way to a ball, a dinner, or a charity event, we were in the palace. We rode horses and played games. We could sit for hours and read to each other. We would tell one another of our favorite memories; it seemed I did most of the conversing. I came to ask him one day out of teenage curiosity, “How did you come to be with us, …show more content…

He held hate in his eyes when he spoke of a man named Hindly. He spoke of vengeance; I would soothe him by asking of his love back home. He only spoke kindly of that beautiful girl named Catherine. He spoke of her like she was the one who placed the stars and the moon in the night sky. One day, he opened up of his wishes to send a letter to his love, Cathy. He never sent that letter for that same afternoon as we were walking back to the palace I slipped on the rocks on the side of a cliff we had been sitting on. Before I knew it, my legs were hanging off the edge, immediately Heathcliff gripped my arms. He pulled me up and carried me back home where my parents fussed over me for hours. Mother praised Heathcliff as “her hero” and father gave him a pat on the back and a firm

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