
Heathcliff's Effect On The Environment Essay

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As emotions run high after Catherine’s funeral, Nelly gets a visit from an unexpected visitor; Isabella. As Catherine enters the ground and gone from Thrushcross Grange, Heathcliff emerges back into the property with an axe to grind. Isabella seeks Nelly for refuge from her soon to be ex-husband’s antics and reveals how truly evil he is. The setting of the environment foreshadows the terrible actions Heathcliff committed in Isabella’s story. The abnormal weather and its effect on the surrounding environment express the transition of Heathcliff's destruction:

"In the evening the weather broke [...] brought rain first, and then sleet and snow [...] there had been three weeks of summer: the primroses and crocuses were hidden under wintry drifts" …show more content…

However, they die the moment frost touches them. The fact the primroses and crocuses are still alive under the winter show strength and perseverance. These flowers are connected and foreshadows the other residents of the property. Heathcliff’s wrath and rage will result in breaking down many of the characters. Characters will die and some would be left damaged under Heathcliff’s pressure. There is an important reason why these flowers are chosen. Both flowers are known to be the first for emerging through snow. This shows the characters will survive Heathcliff’s terrorism. In addition, there is an importance to the flowers’ toxicity. Crocuses are poisonous when consumed by the typical human and primroses are used as a sedative. All parts of the crocus is toxic and the entirety of a primrose can be used as a healing tonic. This shows the difference between the two; death and healing. This is important due to the fact both of types flowers can coexist with exist with each other despite their opposite nature shows the balance between characters. The toxicity of the crocuses may be countered with primroses’ sedative factor. These flowers foreshadows the toxicity of Heathcliff's future actions and the attempts for other character's ability to heal each other from the after

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