
Higher Law Dbq

Decent Essays

1. Explain the notion of “higher law,” by which the colonists felt they were entitled to certain “natural rights.” List these rights. Higher law is a moral or religious unwritten principle that is believed to be above the written law. The colonist believed they had natural rights, life liberty, and property, which they believed to of higher law and could not be taken away. 2. List and discuss the shortcomings of government under the Articles of Confederation. The Founders were faced with many difficult decisions when creating the government we have today. The Articles of Confederation was one of the Founders first attempts at forming the government that was weak and had many shortcomings. Below is a list of some of the shortcomings of the Articles of Confederation. • Could not levy taxes or regulate commerce • Sovereignty, independence retained by states • One vote in Congress for each state • Nine of thirteen votes in Congress for each state • Delegates to Congress picked. Paid for by state legislature • Little money coined by Congress • Army small and …show more content…

The Virginia plan wanted a strong national government that was organized into three branches and two houses in the legislature. The key features of the Virginia plan were to have a national legislature with supreme powers and one legislative house elected directly by the people. The Virginia plan proposed that number of votes each state was allowed depended on the number of free citizens in the state. The Great Compromise reconciled the provided a dual system of congressional representation. In the House of Representatives, each state would be assigned a number of seats in proportion to its population. In the Senate, all states would have the same number of

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