
Hlten503B Contribute to Client Assessment and Developing Nursing Care Plans

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Implement and monitor nursing care for clients with acute health problems. Contribute to complex nursing care of clients. Administer and monitor medications. Administer and monitor IV meds. Assessment 2 Post-op Case Study Assessment 2 Question 1. Identify a minimum of 5 nursing actions, in order of priority you would perform related to above information. Mrs Abu has had a considerable change in her vital signs (blood pressure lowered, her pulse is rapid, her respirations increased and temperature has dropped) form the baseline taken before surgery. These findings alone would be reported to the Registered Nurse and monitored. But because of the changes in vital sings, coupled with Mrs Abu reporting light-headedness and …show more content…

|Deceases the cross contamination to the | |surgical intervention | |client. | | |Use of aseptic technique for wound |Reduces the risk of pathogens to the | | |dressings |surgical site. | | | |Any increased redness, pain, and purulent| | |Monitor for signs of infection at wound |drainage and excaudate should be | | |site. |cultured. | | | |These exercises reduce the secretions | | | |staying in the lungs and bronchial tubes.| | |Encourage coughing and deep breathing |Any signs of yellow or yellow green | | |exercises and monitor for signs of |sputum may indicate infection. | | |infection in respiratory

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