
Holistic Indexing On Main Memory Column Stores

Better Essays

CSCE5350 –Reading Assignment Number ___1____


Paper title: Holistic Indexing in Main-memory Column-stores

You should understand what the problem(s) (or issue(s)) that the paper is addressing, and their solution(s), which must be described in the reading assignment by your own words. Please do not copy and paste from the assigned paper.

1. Clear statements of the problem(s) (or issue(s)) that the paper is addressing (upto 2 pages only):

The most efficient database systems performance depends mostly on index tuning. Index tuning is defined as a process of creating and utilizing the best indices according to the workload. But, the difficulty of this process has been increased so radically in the past few …show more content…

Especially the patterns used for query processing follow an experimental behavior, which changes so randomly that it cannot be anticipated. So, these type of environments cannot be handled by offline indexing.
Online indexing and adaptive indexing are two approaches for designing a physical design automatically in such dynamic and exploratory environments, but none of them handles the problem adequately when isolated.

2. Clear statements of the solution(s) of the paper (up to 2 pages only):

The paper discusses about the problems faced when using the index tuning and a solution is implemented to improve the performance of the database system called the holistic indexing, a novel approach which automates the process of index tuning in dynamic environments. It requires zero set-up and tuning effort, depending on the adaptive index creation as a side-effect of processing the queries. The creation of Indices is done incrementally and partially.

These created indices are refined constantly as more and more queries are processed. The proposed holistic indexing takes the state of-the-art adaptive indexing concepts a big step further by introducing the idea of a system which refines the index space continuously and never stops while taking educated decisions about which index to be incrementally refined next based on continuous knowledge acquirement about the running workload and

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