
Honda Case Study Solution

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Honda (A) Case Study Solution
1. What is the explanation for Honda’s success in U.S market?
Ans: Honda Motor company is basically a Japanese multinational company producer of motorcycles, power equipment and automobile. During the year 1960-1980 is the era of huge success period of the motor company. After gaining huge success in its home area company thought to penetrate in US market in 1959 onwards.
We can carry the concept from Ansoff Matrix that, diversification is the one of the best strategy to develop and stay in a competitive market. Honda motor company also follow the same i.e Diversification i.e new product in a new market. As at that time already Honda was a world’s largest motorcycle producer so they tried to capture the new market i.e US market by establishing U.S subsidiary and offering the customer a light weight motorcycle to its customer.
Also Honda Motor Co. follow one of the important concept called Holistic Marketing which is the key indices for a company. It follows the Integrated Marketing i.e company tried to work simultaneously on product, services and marketing extensively. The company’s product was well established in the market from previously, they followed to advertise their product so that it can reach to the customer and they prefer their product …show more content…

From the concept of Porter’s Value Chain we know the primary attributes are inbound logistics i.e nothing but building relationship with suppliers and distributers so that they can push the products to the customers. The second thing is Operation and Outbound Logistics, these are also visible is the case, all the activities are done to transform from input to output and the end products are distributed in the market. Also last one is Marketing and sales that extensively followed in Honda to reach to the new customer. Due to maintain the proper value chain Honda can gain a huge amount of market share in the industry at that

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