
House Of Healing Case Study

Decent Essays

Three years ago I had the privilege of working with an organization connected with Duke University Hospital called the House of Healing. The House of Healing at Duke University provides visiting families with a fully equipped hospitality suite on hospital grounds, meals, and various volunteer services to make their stay as comfortable and stress-free as possible. It offers assistance to patients and their families who come from all over the world to the internationally renowned hospital. The uniqueness of the organization was what made it so very special to work for was that it was specifically geared for the under deserved community, and not just the community living in the Durham, NC area, but for people worldwide. Being that Duke University has many of the best doctors and one of the country’s largest transplant center, people take the long journey from wherever they live, to get the treatment they need. Many of these families drop whatever they are doing, whether that is a job, business or family and arrive at Duke hoping for healing. Finances are always a struggle. Treatments can be a fortune, travel is expensive and hotel stays for an unknown time can be astronomical. That is where the House of Healing assists. My position was the visitor coordinator. We provide financial and emotional help to these families who have so much on their plate already, which we try to unburden them with free stay, food and …show more content…

The underserved communities are low income communities, communities of color, urban areas and older ages. They frequently have less access to quality healthcare and healthcare providers that encourage proper health. Additionally in many areas, the communities are not proficient in English and need language assistance or programs which are translated. I interacted closely with patients and their families in these circumstances, some whom traveled from India, Israel, California and other places across the

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