
How Authors Affect People's View

Satisfactory Essays

How Authors affect Peoples View Have you ever thought about how when authors write about how we are harming the environment, how people view that writing? Or even better have you thought about how the author wants us to think about it? Ecocritisism is when people study literature and the environment from the authors point of view. I read three articles and they were about, Chemicals; People hurting the environment, the benefits of nature, and what could happen in the form of a fiction book. The first type of article I will talk about is how people are damaging the environment around us and the author is kinda trying to scare you. I read the article, “The Dark Side of the American Lawn” and in the article the author is trying to scare you so you don't use 2-4-D. “He was wearing a full-body chem suit and we were sitting on the grass in shorts and bare feet” (Jenkins, 2011) This sentence is referring to the guy that was spraying 2-4-D on the campus of there college. The guy had on a full body suit and they were just casual but at the same time he had sprayed the part of the yard they were at 7 hours ago. “By 1999, more than two thirds of America’s home lawns had been treated …show more content…

This is when a author rights a story thats made up but its about stuff that could really happen. The story i used for this one was The Lorax by Dr. Seuss. “And deep in the Grickle- grass, some people say, if you look deep enough you can still see, today,where the Lorax once stood just as long as it could before somebody lifted the Lorax away.” (Seuss, 1999) This is Seuss way of saying that an animal lived there then somebody cut his woods down and he had to leave.”And, under the trees, I saw Brown Bar-ba-loots frisking about in their Bar-ba-loot suits
as they played in the shade and ate Truffula Fruits.” (Seuss,1971) All of the animals play happily before anybody cuts down there homes. If people wouldn't cut there homes down they would always be

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