
How Did Alfred Hitchcock Build Suspense

Decent Essays

The first half of this course focused on Alfred Hitchcock and how his techniques are now recognized as iconic. From class discussions and film screenings, it is clear that Hitchcock pays every attention to detail when he crafts a scene. Many Hitchcock films we have seen this semester highlight how he builds suspense through cinematic elements such as shadow, dialogue, and composition. While many of his suspenseful scenes stir feelings of intensity and uncertainty, Alfred Hitchcock builds a more romantic suspense in his 1955 film To Catch a Thief in the fireworks scene (1:06:35-1:11:00). To Catch a Thief follows John Robie (Cary Grant), a retired jewel thief formally known as "The Cat." When another burglar copies his old burglary techniques, …show more content…

Throughout the conversation between John and Francie, the shadows cover the characters in different ways. For the majority of this scene, Francie has minimal shadows on her. It is as if the moonlight is shining on her. The only instance where part of her body is covered in shadow is when she steps back into the dark, saying, "the thrill is right there in front of you, but you can't quite get it." Her face disappears, but the necklace remains visible and sparkling for the audience and John to see. On the other hand, John has half of his face covered in shadow several times while they are watching the fireworks. While Francie is tempting John as well as getting him to admit his true identity, John disregards Francie’s scenarios and states that he would not take part in such acts. The fact that we can see one side of his face could mean that John is trying to conceal his identity as the former cat burglar. Hitchcock could have manipulated the shadows to highlight John’s dual identity. The only reason I can think of for why Francie’s shots are not covered in as many shadows is that Hitchcock wanted to emphasize her beauty to the audience and to John. As Francie continues to tempt John, the romantic suspense builds as the firework display continues. The scene starts with John and Francie facing each other as the fireworks display is occurring between them. The fireworks serve as a symbol of the relationship between John and Francie. As the scene progresses, the fireworks displays goes from simple to out of control. Once John and Francie move to the couch, the camera switches views from the characters to the fireworks to display how both events are similar to one

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