
How Did Life Change During The Industrial Revolution

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The Industrial revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes and inventions. The Industrial revolution began in Great Britain in the 1700's. Great Britain was a perfect first country candidate because of the second Agricultural revolution. Because of the second agricultural revolution, people had to move away and work in factories in order to make a living and provide for their families. Because of this, people moved to cities opening up an opportunity for Great Britain to grow in economy. New skilled mechanics emerged, and so did the demand for new inventions. With more food the population grew starting up the Industrial revolution. Placement of food regulations, improvement in medicine, and expansion of electricity are 3 ways …show more content…

During the Industrial revolution, New York City was crowded with people and with so many people, it was hard to keep up. With only ten health inspectors in the whole city, backstreet butchers who were profit hungry and didn't want to lose any money to advantage of this and used it to their gain. With no refrigerators, unsold meat would go bad, these backstreet butchers would sell the meat knowing it got that is was going to get someone sick. With few health inspectors these butchers could get away with anything. Backstreet butchers managed selling rotten pigs heads, decaying hearts, and slime covered steaks. To the civilians, this meat was like any other, oblivious to the horror of what they were putting in their bodies. Butchers managed to make the meat appear fresh by adding chemicals like Borax (which is something you used today to clean your floors) and red clothing dye. Borax came out in the 1800's. Borax was used on the meat to kill the bacteria and therefore killed the rotting smell it had generated. Although they killed this bacteria, the meat was still unsafe to eat and if eaten someone would get sick. Also, by adding clothing dye they turned the grey rotten meat into a more appealing meat. They would sell this meat as sausage for unsuspecting families to buy. Things started to look up when a book called, "The Jungle" was published, exposing the horror of these food

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