
How Did Martin Luther Began The Reformation As A Religious Revolutionary

Decent Essays

Many will state "Luther began the Reformation as a religious reformer and ended it as a religious revolutionary." The essence of this statement is that although Martin Luther began as a reformer of the Roman Catholic Church, he soon would become the individual to strike the religious revolution. To know the true validity of this statement it is key to understand the difference between a reformer and a revolutionist. In the case of the Reformation, a reformer is an individual that intends to rebuild an already standing institution. As for a revolutionary, they tend to seek quick action and rebuild from entirely new. By analyzing Martin Luther and his steps towards reformation, the validity of this statement will unfold.
In the early 16th century, Martin Luther was studying law at the University of Erfurt. Shortly into his studies Luther was struck by lightning and was met by many emotional changes. From this obscure event, Luther entered the Augustinian Monastery and became a monk. Since the beginning of Luther’s career as a priest and teacher of theology, his criticism with the church was prominent. This sparked the beginning of him becoming a reformer. In his personal torment of gaining God’s grace, he saw changes that needed to be met within the Roman Catholic Church. The …show more content…

These stated the errors of the Roman Catholic Church and the approach that should be taken. This would lead to the rapid spreading of Lutheranism. Like stated previously, Martin Luther was an individual who strived to reform the abusive doings of the church. Being strong in his faith he realized the need for a change that would be much greater than the already standing institution. Martin Luther’s creation of the 95 Theses was the causation of his reformation turning into a revolution. Though his criticisms were based on the church, his writing would be the reason to why Protestantism

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