
How Did Religion Affect The Renaissance

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Religion in the renaissance was always changing, and had reforming tendencies. From the Catholic Inquisition to the Disciples of Calvinism on the other side of the spectrum. The roots of this problem happens when the Eastern Orthodox church and the Catholic church split in 1054. This impacted religion in the papacy, ideas, and the process of understanding religion. Religion is a belief or worship in or at a in a greater power, deity, god or god like being.(Ex. god, Gundi, and Zeus) The meaning of religion is to show or understand what happens when we do not know or comprehend something. (Ex. death/ life) The concept of religion is to show what happens after the mind can no longer comprehend or understand the bigger picture of a large puzzle. (Ex. in 2001 space odyssey he is falling through the monolith and looks crazy and he doesn't understand when he sees his own rebirth) The motivation behind religion is a god speaking to you and him giving you the world, life, and human emotions and you worship him and he loves you in return. (Ex. jesus) It impacted people in the renaissance believed in god and explaining things. (Ex. Greek gods) It affects us today the same as it did back then. …show more content…

During this time the papacy conflicted with the Roman Emperor over land in italy. Pope Gregory VII undertook reforming the church during this period. Enforcing rules on marriage with the priests. In the 13th century Indecent III increased the power to the papacy by reducing the powers and influence of the current and future

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