
How Did Romeo And Juliet Make Bad Decisions

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Star-Crossed lovers all began with William Shakespeare. The story of Romeo and Juliet is both fate and bad decision making. The letter that never got to Juliet from Romeo is fate. However, Romeo drinking poison when he thought Juliet was dead is bad decision making. This is true because she was very clearly alive to the audience. Romeo and Juliet ended up the way they did due to fate. The fate was that Romeo and Juliet could never be together. The letter with the plan of Juliet's fake death, that never got to Romeo is an example of fate. This is fate due to the fact that there was nothing either, Romeo or Juliet could have done better to make sure the letter got delivered. " I couldn’t send it. Here it is. I couldn’t get a messenger to bring it to you either because they were scared of spreading the infection." (Shakespeare 257). …show more content…

Juliet made a bad decision when she decided to pretend like she was dead, to get out of marring Paris. Romeo thinks that Juliet is dead, despite her rosy cheeks and lips. Romeo's bad decision is killing himself because he thinks that Juliet is dead. " O churl, drunk all, and left no friendly drop to help me after? I will kiss thy lips. Haply some poison yet doth hang on them, to make me die with a restorative." (Shakespeare 274). The bad decision that Juliet made to fake her death resulted in the death of both Romeo and Juliet. This shows how one bad decision led to

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