
How Does American Culture Influence Religion

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Does American culture influence religion? American culture influences religion in many ways, whether we want it to or not. Present-day churches have been influenced by the American entrepreneurial spirit, government, family system, and by social media. Culture is extremely hard to exclude from religion because it is how we as an American society are used to living our day to day lives. American culture has influenced the Christian churches to morph into what is more similar to a business, where head pastors are more similar to CEO’s. It is not uncommon for present-day large churches to have coffee cafes, basketball courts, baseball fields, and parking for thousands of people. Is this not an example of corporate America? Present-day churches underlying objective is to make money and lots of it. With more money they can further propagate, which increases attendance numbers resulting in more money made. Of course, money is not all that matters to churches, but to use it to further expand to grab the attention of more people allowing the word of God to be spread farther. …show more content…

Christian parents are supposed to be role models for their children, being Christ-like and teaching them biblical principles. Children are to behave, learn from their parents, and respect their parent's commands. We are taught by our churches to follow these rules so that we may be role models for all who see us do so. This works amazingly for the church because anyone who wants to act similar to anyone following these rules, should just simply attend, therefore increasing the church's numbers. The church teaches that there is no other way without these rules, so people follow them in hopes of reducing any unwanted behavior. Anyone professing to be a Christian must be, “Christ-like” because after all, that is the meaning of the word

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