
How Does Finny Affect Gene's Envy

Decent Essays

Genes Lack of Peace Emerson states that “envy is ignorance; imitation is suicide” (370-372). The novel A Separate Peace by John Knowles takes place at Devon school in rural New Hampshire, 1942-1943. The backdrop of World War II establishes a sense of parallels with the daily lives of the boys at Devon. Gene Forrester, which is the narrator, Finny’s roommate, and best friend unfolds the painful story of his growth during World War II when his jealously caused Finny’s tragic fall. The novel A Separate Peace demonstrates how Gene’s envy and imitation of finny affected him, his relationship with Finny, and Gene’s lack of peace. Gene’s envy and imitation of Finny affects him in many different ways. He is affected by his refusal to the truth and this begins to fuel his shadow …show more content…

Gene thought that Finny was his enemy, but he realized that it wasn’t Finny that he hated, it was himself. Another way Gene is affected was his loss of identity. Gene states, “He got away with everything because of the extraordinary kind of person he was” (Knowles 28-29). Gene was amazed how Finny got away with everything and the type of person he was. Therefore, he wanted to become Finny. In addition, Gene’s envy and imitation of finny not only affected him, but it affected his relationship with Finny. One way their relationship is affected is when Finny finds out Gene caused the accident, causing Finny to hate him. Gene states, “I would have liked very much to do that myself; it would have meant a lot to me. But Phineas might begin to curse me out with every word he knew, he might lose his head completely, he would certainly be worse off for it” (Knowles 107). Gene wanted to help Finny but he knew Finny was mad at him. He did not want to make him more angry by helping because Gene caused the

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