
How Does Montag Change In Fahrenheit 451

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“It was a pleasure to burn” (Bradbury 1), these words mark the beginning of the main character, Montag’s, journey. Through this quote, one can truly see the change that Montag goes through and what can be learned from each of the changes In “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury, Montag, the hero, experiences several changes after meeting a girl named Clarisse. These changes ultimately disrupt Montag’s view of the dystopian society around him. In the novel, the theme of the story is reflected by Montag’s change which is caused by the several conflicts in the story To begin, Montag is asked if he is truly happy by Clarisse that makes him skeptical of the society and leads to the life lesson to question everything. After Montag and Clarisse walk home, Montag is already feeling disturbed by Clarisse’s strangeness. However, when Clarisse asks Montag if he is truly happy, he has to think about it. When Montag is by himself, he finally says to himself in a shaky voice, “Of course I’m happy What does she think? I’m not?” (8). This internal conflict shows how Montag is unsure of his happiness. Montag’s …show more content…

After Beatty knocks out the green bullet from Montag’s head and states that he will track down the person on the other end, Montag fears for Faber’s safety and burns Beatty with the flamethrower. The book describes Beatty as “a shrieking blaze, a jumping, sprawling, gibbering mannikin, no longer human or known” (113). Shortly after, the Mechanical Hound confronts him. Using the trait of courage that Montag gained after killing Beatty, he also burns down the Mechanical Hound. This part of the story shows how facing your fears is the theme and comes from the external conflict with Beatty and the Mechanical Hound. Montag gains a plethora of new situations he can overcome and will have the courage to outrun the police in the ending of the

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