
How Does Montag Change In Fahrenheit 451

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Guy Montag changes as a character throughout the novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Montag is a fireman, and that is the most important job in his society. Where Montag lives, everything is really the same, and no one questions anything. They just go along with society. In that society you aren't allowed to have books, and if they are found in your house, firemen come and burn your house down. There are three things in which causes Montag to change. The three things that cause him to change are him seeing the old lady burn, Clarisse, and jumping into the river. Montag changes as a character throughout the novel Fahrenheit 451.

Seeing the old lady burn was the beginning of the changing for Montag. What I mean by that is that Montag first started to change after he witnessed the old lady burn because of her books. "You can't have my books." (the old lady, page 35.) "you can stop …show more content…

When he jumped into the river he was looking for new life, and to completely change his life. The water represents rebirth, and Montag wanted to to restart his life. He started to realized that there also were other people who were like Clarisse. This was his final change in the book. When he jumped into the water he was looking to change his whole life and begin a new life as if he was like Clarisse. He wanted to be more open, and do more things with his life the. Just burn books.

Montag changes as a character throughout the novel Fahrenheit 451. The three things that cause him to change are him seeing the old lady burn, Clarisse, and jumping into the river. Montag completely changed from the beginning and end of the novel. His perspective of life also changed. He used to think that there was nothing to life besides burning houses that had books in it. Now he learned that there is more to life. Montag greatly changed as a character throughout the course of the

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