
How Does Montag Change In Fahrenheit 451

Decent Essays

In Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, the main protagonist, Guy Montag works as a fireman. In his society, all books are illegal. The firemen burn any house with books in it. He takes pride in his job of burning illegal books. He enjoys the smell of kerosene that raises the fire’s temperature to the required 451 degrees Fahrenheit, the temperature required to burn book paper. He wears the kerosene scent almost as a perfume (Bradbury 6). Guy Montag is in a ten-year, loveless marriage with his wife, Mildred.
Several people Montag meet in the book have a major influence on him. The influences those people have on Montag will set forth a change in Montag. Out of all the people to have an influence on Montag, Clarisse McClellan has the biggest affect on Montag. Clarisse McClellan is Montag’s seventeen year old neighbor. She is innocent, curious, and is full of life. She is different from other people in …show more content…

Clarisse asks Montag why he does not have any children. Montag replies to Clarisse that Mildred does not want to have any children. Clarisse apologizes to Montag for for asking the question. However, Montag stops Clarisse from apologizing any further. "No, no," he said. "It was a good question. It's been a long time since anyone cared enough to ask." (28-29). Montag is able to think on his own. He starts to ask his own questions. Montag makes connections with the world outside of his job and his house.
Clarisse is a target because she questions the world. Captain Beatty labels her as a “time bomb” (60). She suddenly disappears one day and Mildred tells Montag that she was killed in a car accident. She also informs Montag that Clarisse’s family moves However during Beatty and Montag’s conversation, Beatty hints that “The poor girl’s better off dead” (60). There is a chance that the government could be involved in Clarisse’s disappearance. The government could see her as a threat and eliminate

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