
How Does Mr. Maloney Obtain Revenge On Her Husband

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Mrs. Maloney wants revenge on her husband. But why does she want revenge on her husband? Her husband is leaving and they have a baby boy on the way. So that could have something to do with it. Mr. Maloney comes home and was acting strange. He ask Mrs. Maloney to sit down. He tells her he is leaving her. She didn’t think it was for real. So she was going to get the meat out of freezer to make dinner. Then her husband says he is leaving. So Mrs. Maloney says you can’t, then Mr. Maloney says try and stop me. So she pick lamb up and hit him in the head. So she was acting like nothing really happened. She put the lamb in the oven and went to the store to get the vegetables. She had set the whole crime up. She made it look like someone broke in.

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