
How Does Ray Bradbury Use Metaphors In All Summer In A Day

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All Summer in a Day by Ray Bradbury uses multiple tricks in his story like symbolism and metaphors to show how important the sun is to all of the kids in the story. I think symbolism is the most effective trait because it really helps the reader connect to the story and get a better view about what the author is trying to say. Some other readers think personification is the best trait in Ray Bradbury’s story but I think that's not the case. There is definitely examples of personification in the story but I still think symbolism and metaphors give the reader a better view of the story. Speaking of metaphors these are also one of the best tricks that show up in Bradbury’s story to help the reader connect to the story when he or she is reading. Both metaphors and symbolism show up in the story a drastic amount and extremely help the reader not only connect to the story but also get different views of what the author is trying to say. Ray Bradbury in his story, All Summer in a Day, uses a great deal of symbolism which is exceedingly effective in showing how much all of the kids appreciate the sun. Symbolism really helps the reader connect to the story and understand exactly what the reader is trying to say. For example he symbolizes the constant rain as Margot, the main character in …show more content…

Metaphors really help the reader understand exactly what the author is trying to say by using many different examples. For example, when he compares the sun to “A gold coin large enough to buy the world”. This really shows how important the sun and how much it means to Margot and the kids in the story. Bradbury also tells how the “sun was like a flower that blooms for just one hour.”. This extremely helps the reader connect to the story and understand how much everyone in the story appreciates the sun. Metaphors really are one of the best tricks used in All Summer in a Day to help the reader

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