
How Does Shakespeare Create Self Destruction In Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet: Young Love and Self Destruction William Shakespeare’s tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, not only sparks themes of love, violence, individuality, and fate, but also of youth and immaturity. As one of the most famous tales of young love to every exist, Romeo and Juliet adds a certain effect of self destruction that comes along with the passionate feelings that escalate between the two young lovers. Throughout the play, the two teenagers discover the power of their love, only to be brought to a great demise due to foolishness and rash decisions. These poor choices are caused by the character's’ immaturity and inability to fully think out their actions. The play begins with Romeo lovesick and suicidal over another girl, Rosaline, therefore setting the stage of heartbreak and youth due to his immediate change of heart as he spots Juliet. One minute he is ready to kill himself over a Rosaline, and the next he is in love with a new girl, Juliet. While Romeo is a few years older, Juliet is only thirteen years old. Her father, Capulet, explains, “But saying o'er what I have said before. My child is yet …show more content…

The teens’ impetuous decisions open doors to poor choices that could only end with negative effects. Romeo began the play with a broken heart for another girl, only to instantly change his mind after seeing Juliet for the first time, while Juliet began with no intention of falling in love or getting married at such a young age. The change that can be observed in the two characters is very telling of their thought processes and maturity levels. While the feud between the families is the obvious reason for their eventual demise, the two lovers’ inability to think out plans and actions is what eventually kills them. In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, the power of young love only fuels a tragic

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