
How Technology Affects Families

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Technology is here with us, and it has become an integral part of our daily lives. In the current era, getting news, paying bills, communicating with family members and loved ones has become easier due to the advancements in technology. Additionally, we are getting several types of entertainments, from news cast, pod cast, instant movie streaming and playing video games. Big companies are also utilizing these advancements in technology to get the necessary skills to work in their institutions. The world has become connected, allowing everybody to stay connected to everyone at any time. In short, technology has changed the way we view the word, and it is here to stay. However, as much as we have become dependent on technology, it is not surprising …show more content…

The amount of time spent with the family has been reduced due to technology. Children are spending more time on the media and playing video games than with their family members. Meal times have also been cut short as most children hurry to finish their foods so that they can continue watching their favorite movies or play video games. Additionally, in families that spend their mealtimes while the TVs are on, the children focus their attention to the television ignoring their parents (Clinton, & Steyer, 2012). They might not respond to the critical questions their parents are asking them. In the past, families used to visit parks where children could play physical games with their friends, but today they visit movie and entertainment sports to play video games. The time spent doing homework and conducting home studies has also been affected by the technology. Children are spending more time on technology than they study at their homes.
Video games and violent movies are having adverse effects on the psychological development of young children. Although not all games and movies are violent, most of the modern video content focus on destruction and violence. Children who play violent games exhibit aggressive behavior than those who do not play or watch violent videos. Too much of violent videogames increases aggressive cognitive and behaviors and decreases prosocial behaviors (Rowan, 2013). These video games are more harmful to those children who already have aggressive behaviors. This trait is more common in boys than

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