
Artificial Intelligence: Is It Good Or Bad?

Decent Essays

Name: Tubonemi Emmanuel Tamunobelema. Matric No: NS160014. Computer and the Society How the Society values Computer Technology Question: Google SDK/Artificial-Intelligence: Is it Good or bad? Table of Content 1.0 Introduction………………………………………………………………………1 1.1 My theory…………………………………………………………………………2 1.2 Respondents opinions………………………………………………………………5 2.0 Summary and Conclusion…………………………………………………………..10 Figures Fig 1.2.0 Do you interact with artificial intelligent systems? ........................................5 Fig 1.2.1 is it possible for human thinking to be replicated in humans? ......................6 Fig 1.2.2 Do you believe AI will replace humans in future……………………………7 Fig 1.2.3 Do the promises of AI scare you? …………………………………………8 Fig …show more content…

Charles Babbage’s work paved way for the possibility of general calculation (The ability of a machine to perform any calculation making his work the closest to modern computers) – and yes computer is a machine (as it basically performs calculations). Computer as a machine too has evolved from very large, slow hard to maintain types to smaller, a little bit faster and easier to maintain types and now very small, very fast and so easy to maintain computers (Like smartphones and tablets) and we now have computers deployed with complex algorithms that can learn, adapt/mimic human behaviors and perform various complex manipulations even faster and better than a human can (i.e. Artificial Intelligence). Artificial intelligence (a term coined by john McCarthy at the Dartmouth conference in 1956) as a rapidly growing and expanding field can be described as the science and engineering of making intelligent machines (powered by in powerful complex algorithms) (McCarthy) that able to mimic the cognitive characteristics of humans (i.e. learning and problem solving) by being able to perceive its environment and take appropriate actions that maximize its success at some goal which may include but no restricted self-driving cars. Competing and excelling at high level games in strategic games like chess and go, intelligent routing in content delivery networks (i.e. Courier services), Military situations (as seen in anti-aircraft and

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