
Hualing Through Animals : Healing Through Animals

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Healing through Animals

Animal therapy is a form of healing using a variety of animals such as horses, dogs, lamas, cats, dolphins, rabbits, and other animals depending on the individual’s preference. The purpose of this program is to provide a type of therapy that helps individuals cope or recover from heath problems or mental disorders. The goals of animal therapy are to improve motor skills, increase self-esteem, develop social skills, improve motivation to interact with others and readiness to exercise, as well as reducing anxiety and depression. Healing through Animals organization will first find a suitable animal for the patients’ preference. After an animal is found a physical examination must be done to confirm that it is healthy and free of diseases. Once the physical examination is finished and the animal is determined healthy, an obedience training course must be fulfilled to ensure proper control over the animal, so it doesn’t hurt the patient or anyone else. The owner must also attend an instructional course taught by a professional trainer, to teach the individual who is handling the animal, the proper way for other individuals to interact with the animal. Afterwards, an evaluation must be fulfilled of the animal’s temperament and behavior with their primary handler as well as a certification process. The animal’s type, breed, size, age, and behavior will also determine where it will be most helpful according to the patient’s needs. All the animals will

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