
Human Metabolism

Decent Essays

1. Human Metabolism is the breakdown of nutritional products (food) and the transformation of that food into energy. Human Metabolism also involves the elimination of waste products. Metabolism is one way your body maintains homeostasis. Homeostasis (maintenance of a stable temperature) is required in order for metabolism to work effectively. Exercise has a huge effect on growth and tissue repair as well as eating the right foods. Your body use the acids in protein to build new cells and make energy in order for cells to function. The thyroid gland releases hormones that help control your metabolism. Hypothyroidism or an under active thyroid can be detected by a blood test. Symptoms include: constipation, depression, fatigue, pale/dry skin, brittle nails and hair and weight gain. Treatment is taking a hormone replacement. Hyperthyroidism or an over active thyroid can also be detected through a blood test. Symptoms include: hair loss, missed or late period, hand trembling, nervousness, anxiety, moodiness and sweating. …show more content…

Types of joints:
A. Synarthrosis joint permits no movement. Ex. The gomphoses that connect teeth to skull.
B. Amphiarthrosis allows slight movement. Ex. Intervertebral disk of the spin.
C. Diarthrosis joints has the highest level of movement. Ex. Elbow, knee, shoulder and wrist
The synovial joint is made up of hyaline cartilage. This type if cartilage is elastic. Synovial fluid forms a slippery surface for free movement. During a knee replacement clothes are to be removed and replaces by a gown. Doctors then start an IV in your hand or arm. A urinary catheter may be inserted. Shaving/removal of excessive hair may be needed. Skin will be cleansed. Doctors will them make an incision in the knee area. Doctors will remove damaged surfaces and replace them with a new prosthesis made up of metal and plastic (most commonly used is a cemented prosthesis). Incision will be stitched up and a drain may be placed to remove fluid. Bandage will be

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