
Hypatia Of Alexandria

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The First Female Mathematician Mathematics has always been described as the purest science and considered as one of the most important aspects in many countries around the world, especially developed countries. Theoretically, the most significant requirements for a life of a mathematician is the mathematical ability. Nevertheless, very few women get involve in this field, which creates a myth, and slowly develops into a stereotype in society, that women are naturally not good at math. However, many people would be surprised, that “the world’s greatest living mathematician for a time was a women” (Deakin 13). Hypatia of Alexandria was, indeed, a physically beautiful woman who used her talent and intelligence to defy the stereotypes against …show more content…

She enjoyed the life that her father laid out for her and tried to live up to his expectation. Moreover, Hypatia was independent, passionate, and fearless. Her intelligence and knowledge exceeds many women, and even men, at that time. In addition, Hypatia was also good at physically activities such as rowing, swimming, horseback riding, and mountain climbing. Theon did everything in order to achieve his goal of producing a perfect human being, and his daughter had not disappointed him. According to Charlene Morrow and Teri Perl, “When Hypatia quickly surpassed even her own father’s mathematical knowledge, he sent her to Athens to study because it was known to be the mathematics center of the world” (94). After finished her studies in Athens, Hypatia spent about ten years traveling around Europe with the passion to gain more knowledge about the …show more content…

Hypatia of Alexandria, unfortunately, met a tragic end. Before going into the story of her death, it is important to go back and examine the reasons behind it. According to Costa Giovanni in her journal Hypatia, the Daughter of Theon, when Christian took root in Alexandria, Egypt, in A.D. 390, frequent battles and riots broke out between those of opposing religions. Hypatia was a Neoplantonist, which encourage logical reasoning rather than taking anything on blind faith. As a result, with her exceptional level of knowledge and dignity, Hypatia became a center of all attention. In reality, “many believed that Hypatia was such a great influence that Christianity would not survive as long as she was alive” (Morrow and Perl

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