
I Am Applying For The Mayo Clinic

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I am applying for the Mayo Clinic Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) because of my intrinsic motivation to serve people through the healthcare field, which developed from a very early age. The motivation developed because I had an opportunity to see the miracles research and medicine could do first hand back in Pakistan, as my father was an ENT surgeon. Research wise, classes like Psychobiology and Molecular and Cellular Biology have consistently increased my interest in neurobiology and immunology, and equipped me with the laboratory training needed to perform productive laboratory research. Also being born in Pakistan, a third world country lacking quality health care and through living in a region of the world torn by socioeconomic issues, I have noticed many around the world lack access to healthcare. I aim to change that throughout my life by partnering with organizations like the United States Navy or the Doctors Without Borders, and the attainment of a MD/Ph.D. degree is an essential part of it.
Clinical Research Internship Study Program (CRISP) at the Mayo Clinic Florida strengthened my idea that research is an integral part of clinical medicine. After the CRISP, I decided a MD/Ph.D. suits my future goals better than an MD or Ph.D. because it will better equip me with essential tools, such as the ability to practice and develop medicine, needed to provide the best patient care possible. Spending many weeks on Cerner Millennium power chart sorting

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