
Hand Washing Essay

Best Essays

Professional and personal values applied to the procedures of hand washing in Infection Control


Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 2

Identify your new learning, giving rationale for your choice of this topic ………….…………… Page 2

How has this learning made a difference to you …………………………………….…………… Page 5

How will this learning influence you clinical practice …………………………………..………… Page 6

Describe how you will continue to develop this learning after this module ………….………… Page 7

How does this personal and professional development relate to the NMC code ……..……… Page 7

How does your topic relate to the NHS Constitution ……………………………………..……… Page 9

Reference list …show more content…

Hands were wet by a running tap and antiseptic detergents or liquid soap (5ml was poured onto the hands, the technique consisted of five backwards and forwards strokes in the motion of; palm to palm, each palm over the other hand’s back, interlocking palm to palm, each palm over the other hand’s back interlocked and then the rotational scrubbing of the fingers into each palm finalised by the rubbing of the wrists during a 30-second time span. Then the hands were rinsed with water for 15-seconds and dried with two paper towels for 15-seconds. (Ayliffe et all, 1978) Whilst this technique has strict timescales the WHO elects the timescale of roughly the time taken to sing “Happy Birthday” twice. This raises concerns over the approximates as this will differ from person to person. The procedure itself remains nearly exact except from the addition of turning the tap off with a towel to avoid recontamination and the exact timings are lost. This technique only stated to use running water, however no temperature was specified. Hand Washing for Life (200-) advises that water should not be above 110F as this temperature would cause hands become damaged by loosing delicate tissues on the skin. This can cause bacteria to become trapped and more difficult to remove, as well as cause pain to the worker. It is a legal requirement for health professions to take the necessary measures to

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