
Instructions On Download The Server

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-Linux Instructions
19. Download the server.jar from the
Minecraft download page
20. Make sure you have the official Oracle Java installed
a. If that doesn’t work, it may work with OpenJDK
21. When using Ubuntu you will first need to install the package software-properties-common (see Figure 4.)
22. You will need to run the following commands in order to add the PPA
23. Run: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
24. Run: sudo apt-get update
25. Run:: sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
26. Then run java –version to check the version you have installed
27. Now open the Terminal again (Application > Accessories > Terminal)
28. Enter: cd minecraft_server
29. Enter: java -Xms1G -Xmx1G -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui
30. Now …show more content…

If it’s not already able to open in a text editing tool, change the open with: to the text editing tool
37. Open the file
38. In the Server-IP/Output IP (depending on operating system), copy the IP address you obtain (see Figure 4)
39. Save the File
40. Now for people to join they have to use an external IP, which can be found by using Google and typing IP address
a. Unless you don’t want to use IP, use the DynDNS services
41. If you’re done, skip ahead configure and connect. If you want to make it a VPN Keep going
-Setting up VPN
42. Download and install Hamachi
c. This is an alternate way to set up a server.
d. All players must download this program to be able to connect
43. The host create a new network in the Hamachi program
a. (see Figure 6. For an example)
44. Host must have their minecraft server software
45. Make sure the server IP field in the is left blank
46. Host provides the new Hamachi network credentials to each player
e. This include the name and password
47. Host gives their machine hamachi IPv4 address to the players
48. Each player connects using this IP in the minecraft multiplayer screen
-Configure and connect
49. Open the file
50. You can configure each properties with either a true or false, or a number
f. Example is the level-name would be the name of your server
g. See figure 7 for an example
51. White-list is if you only want specific people

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