
Interpersonal Conflict Paper

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There are numerous entities and situations that can be avoided throughout the durations of one’s life, but there are a few things that cannot be escaped being a United States citizen; and that’s taxes and conflict. It’s hard to go a single day without running into some form of conflict, whether it be constructive, or destructive conflict. For me, conflict has always seemed to either go really good, or take a turn for the worst. Over the past few months I’ve attempted to work on some of my strategies to better deal with my day-to-day interpersonal conflicts, so I get in the rhythm of trying to successfully complete an altercation. With that being said, I would like to discuss a conflict that was both relational and organizational. This conflict …show more content…

The initial conflict was started due to an incompatibility of goals by the two parties. Michael wanted to fulfill his work obligation and prioritized that over study hours while the executive board was concerned for obtaining those study hours. Tensions got heated when they confronted him head on after returning home from work, which lead to finger pointing and bickering. The initial conflict interaction ended relatively shortly, but the conflict seemed to push forward over the span of a couple weeks. Evaluating the goals on both sides is crucial to apprehending the communicative process (Berger, 2005). Due to the goals being misconceived, it lead to a standstill. Another important proximal context aspect that directed this conflict was the rules that were at play. Since this conflict was an organizational conflict instead of a social conflict, it created little room for Michael to justify his actions through emotions or other strategies. The organizational goals were not aligned with Michaels prior to the conflict itself, which our textbook would explain that Michael was challenging the rules of the organization through the use of conflict in desire to change the rules and or create new ones (Cupach, Canary & Spitzberg, 2010). It goes without saying, that this conflict did not lead to a successful resolution; but understanding the proximal outcomes and how they shaped the individuals experience is worth noting for future

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