
Intervention With Katie: Film Analysis

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The attempt to do an intervention with Katie is fraught with ups and downs. Sharon, in the pre-intervention meeting is raked across the coals by the interventionist for projecting her own issues onto Katie. Katie’s susceptibility and learned behavior can be traced back to her mother, and too, the abandonment of her children-a poignant fact that Sharon and Katie are both aware of. Perhaps Katie is able to see through her mother’s attempt to make herself feel better, rather than deal with Katie’s situation, perhaps Katie just is beyond other’s opinions of her choices carrying any importance to her.
Believing that she is taking part in a documentary about users, she is at times okay with the cameras, and at others is cursing at them and telling them to go away and get out of her house. Prior to the intervention she disappears for three days while the producers scramble to find her, and the family tries to figure out if they will even be able to offer the intervention, or if it is simply too late for her to be saved.
There did seem to me, to be an air of giving up, as far as the family was concerned. Perhaps years of Katie’s antics, or shame from years of not acting themselves, have hardened most of the family towards this situation. It was bizarre to watch, often seeming to me as the rhetoric and feelings …show more content…

She reluctantly agrees to go to the hotel for this meeting they propose, likely aware of what is actually transpiring. At the hotel Katie listens to the family members while seemingly unaffected, staring off into space and presenting an indifferent air to them all, including her son Brian. To the viewer, it seemed as though she was more embarrassed than remorseful. She agrees to treatment (probably to escape the situation in the hotel room) and upon return to her house escapes out the back door, refusing to

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