
Invasive Species

Satisfactory Essays

AEC 3065: Invasive Species-Citrus Greening

Paragraph 1: The Issue

Invasive species devastate the agricultural community. Specifically, for the state of Florida, citrus greening has been destructive in the growing, production, and harvesting of the citrus industry. On average, invasive species across our country costs the US $137 billion and Florida's agriculture industry alone $200 million annually. The importance of this issue is the invasive species, Asian citrus psyllid, has no cure and it's been found in every country in Florida that has citrus production. Once the invasive species injects the leaves with their toxin, you can't save the tree. This disease, which has been in Florida since 2005, has tremendously affected the high level …show more content…

There were multiple reliable videos we watched during this study that deemed this as accurate. The videos and notes provided financial statistics, production statistics, and pictures of how the invasive species disrupts a large-part of the Florida agricultural industry. In 2016, the state of Florida's citrus growers claimed about 80% of their trees were infected with the disease, taking a massive toll in citrus production that year. According to a new ABC News report, citrus production has significantly decreased from 242 million boxes in 2004, to 2016, where the industry only produced 72 million boxes. I believe we saw a ton of loaded language within this case study through videos and the notes. There were a lot of words with strong emotional implications that helped describe the severity of this issue and how important it is for our researchers to find a cure. We saw one product of how to short-term fix this issue with the indoor growing facilities, but I would have liked to have seen another idea or two on how they're resolving this issue. I also would have liked to seen which other products in this country are infected by the Asian citrus

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