
Is Hamlet Truly Insane

Good Essays

Is Hamlet truly insane? Gage dictionary defines insanity as, “the state of… mentally unsoundness, mentally deranged and crazy, which he is not considered competent or held responsible for his actions,” (p.171). Experts have debated over this controversial topic before the ink had a chance to dry on this world-renowned play. As the dictionary states, the person is not thought of as competent; and in comparing Hamlet’s madness to this definition, in truth Hamlet’s “antic disposition” (1.5, 173) is a sneaky scheme in a winding plot to discover the true identity of his father’s murderer. Many find Hamlet’s madness deeply ambiguous and in truth it is; however, when readers analyze Hamlet’s thoughts, deeds, other character’s perceptions, and compare …show more content…

What people fail to remember is that Hamlet has been tasked with a very important mission, an outlet for his anger and grief by discovering and avenging his father’s murder. Hamlet vows before the ghost that he will complete the mission; however, he cannot impulsively take the ghost’s word because it goes against his entire over-analyzing, detail-oriented character. He gives an oath “to put an antic disposition on,” (1.5, 173). As he states his plan, he is completely sane and understands the ingenious of this scheme. Putting on the madness mask, as it were, makes one invisible to others; people will say anything around someone they believe is insane because they think the insane individual cannot understand. Hamlet wants juicy, dirty secrets and he has found a perfect way to get them because mad people can pull anything from someone. This madness allows him to get away with outlandish things, being in places he should not be, and overhearing private conversations dripping with …show more content…

He further gives evidence of his clear state of mind when he says, “I am but mad north-north-west: when the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw.” (2.2, 376-377) His madness depends on the “weather”. He devilishly fools most of the characters with his utter madness; they in turn do not question it. Polonius, Ophelia, Gertrude, and the rest of the kingdom are fully convinced of his insanity as they listen to his rantings that are really full of hidden puns and metaphors. Hamlet’s long-winded rambles are so deeply hooded to the characters because each character takes each his or her portrayal literally. He is fully aware of how each hooded phrase is like a dagger, in such a twisted way, that experts are left trying to untangle each of Hamlet’s quotes. His game of wits will leave readers wondering who will

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