
Is Parkinson Disease A Disease?

Good Essays

Parkinson Disease
Danielle West
University Of Arkansas Fort Smith
Medical Terminology
Fall of 2015


Parkinson is a disease that is a glitch in the neurons in the brain, which frequently affects the substantia nigra. Part of the dying neurons produces a chemical called dopamine. As this progresses, the dopamine in the brain decreases. Dopamine is a chemical in the brain which helps the body regulate coordination and movement in the body. Once Parkinson Disease (PD) is in full effect, part of dopamine in the patient 's brain disintegrates, leaving the person incapable to control everyday movements (what is Parkinson disease.(n.d)). Men after the age of 60 are more likely to develop the disease rather than women. The average age at the onset of symptoms is 60. However, 10 percent of patients that are diagnosed before age 40 (Rudolph, D. (2012, April 23). Medication Side Effects & Complications For Parkinson 's Patients) Parkinson 's is known as a progressive disease which means that over time it will progressively get worse (Parkinson’s: Overview April 6, 2015). However, it still has not yet shown to be fatal. (National Parkinson Foundation 2015).

Diagnosis Doctors who diagnose Parkinson start by performing a physical examination on the patient followed by a detailed discussion of the symptoms and past medical history. During the physical exam the doctor test their reflexes, sensitivity to pain or pressure and agility.(Parkinson:

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