
Isllc Stardard Five

Satisfactory Essays

Running head: CLC: ISLLC STANDARD FIVE Unwrapping the Standards: Standard Five Standard #5: (Integrity) A school administrator is an education leader who promotes the success of all students by acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner. | Knowledge | Skills | Enduring Understanding | Essential Questions | Administrators will know…. | Administrator will be able to…. | Administrators will understand that… | | the purpose of educational programs and accountability for academic success in the school | use data to guide instruction so that it is focused on helping all students (ISLLC 2008: 5A) | The administrator is seen as the “first citizen” by the school community. The administrator must adhere to the …show more content…

They recognize injustice and do all that they can to remove barriers in discrimination and disadvantages of students. They hold high expectations of all students and parents as they ensure that every student has the proper needs to learn. Leaders are fair and dedicated as they expand opportunities for all students and families. They recognize and respect authority of others and protect the rights and confidentiality of students and staff (ISLLC, 2008). Leaders are accountable to uphold a safe learning environment and uphold personal and professional values. They demonstrate and live these values, beliefs and attitudes to inspire others to higher levels of performance. Leaders expect others in the school community to demonstrate integrity and exercise ethical behavior. With high stakes accountability, leaders need to interpret and implement policies for the benefit of students, staff, community and themselves and do so with integrity. As one leads with integrity, fairness and in an ethical manner, they lead by modeling those values and beliefs that belong in an educational setting. They show concern and care personally for the students, staff and communities learning, behaviors, and lives. Leaders promote a culture of openness and trust. They model appropriate behavior and skills to improve learning and engage others to share in this process through collaboration. References

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