
Isolation In The Road By Cormac Mccarthy

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In The Road by Cormac McCarthy, there are many aspects that play a role in developing the characters. The main aspect that does this in the text is isolation. The characters are forced to live in complete isolation to survive. The isolation they experience plays a vital role in the development of the man, wife, and son. The isolation impacts these characters in many different ways although they experience it the same. As a result, this is the main way through which McCarthy developed his characters. In The Road, Cormac McCarthy illustrates how a society will diminish when its characters are forced to live in isolation due to the social drive in human nature. To illustrate, McCarthy reveals many aspects of how isolation impacts individuals …show more content…

The son always longs for social interactions, especially with another child. The reader can see how a society will diminish through the characterization of the son because of his longing desire to become acquainted with new people, help other people, and always be the “good guy” (McCarthy 65), and his thoughts of suicide. Notably, the son had said that he wishes he could be with his mother. His mother's death added even more to the isolation the son felt because she left him so suddenly (McCarthy 55). When the boy said that, the man replied, “You mean you wish you were dead…You mustn't say that” (McCarthy 55). Through this, the reader can see an example of how the son is affected by a copious amount of isolation. In a non-isolated society, children do not passively speak about wanting to die. In The Road, it does not seem shocking as they are surrounded by nothing but violence. An isolated society also impacts the son because he constantly wonders about the minimal amount of people he has crossed paths with throughout the duration of the text. An example of this is when the son sees another boy while he and his father are going through abandoned houses. He tried to chase after the boy, but his father stopped and scolded him. The boy thought that he would never see another child again and voiced again how he did not care if he died (McCarthy 84-85). This shows how the son desperately wanted to interact with other people, but he could not due to the dangers that were caused by the deterioration in human nature, such as cannibalism. Alternatively, isolation the son feels is also shown by the fact that he went with random strangers after his father's death. Going with random people is the most dangerous thing the son could have possibly done (McCarthy 282-286). He did this due to the fact that he is already scared, desperate, and isolated, and did not want

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