
Jcpenney Retail Strategy

Better Essays

Fair and Square Retail Strategic Analysis: JC Penny Professor Maria Kalamas MKTG 4300/01 Basic Retailing- Spring 2012

Team Shopaholics Anonymous Vaughan Alexander | Marshall Gingles | Sean Lehnherr | Aftiam Ramli | Juan Torres

Table Of Contents

Introduction 01
Multipart Analysis of the Retailing Mix Customers 04
Customer Service 05
Merchandise 07
Logistics 09
Price 11
Advertising & Promotion 12
Trading Area & …show more content…

At one time JCPenney was considered the pentacle of discount shopping and was consistently growing. A heavy recession in 1974 was the first major obstacle for JCPenney and from there on forward it seemed difficult for the retailer to make progress in the magnitude it had the previous years; however the retailer continued to make profits. In 1998 JCPenney introduced its online catalog service; in the beginnings JCPenney’s catalog was strictly paper and a major player in its business strategy and profits. The introduction of the online shopping proved extremely beneficial for the company due to the online boom of the late 90’s and early 2000’s. Today JCPenney finds itself at a very interesting cross roads. In the summer of 2011 JCPenney welcomed new CEO Ron Johnson, a former Apple executive. This was a major move for JCPenney considering the recent years showed a steady decline in profits and Market share. Store closings were becoming a regular thing and the Executive committee saw Ron Johnson, who has had major success in retail, as a chance to turn the company around. On February 1, 2012 the company launched its new strategy centered on “Fair and Square” Pricing. This is the first stage of “many changes to come” according to Ron Johnson. The company also has a

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