
Jim Lynn Research Paper

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Jim Lynn takes material from the Barna Research Group to show the percentages between Christians and non-believers are similar on the questions they posed (p. 57-60). Such questions are - Is there any such thing as a Holy Spirit? Is there such thing as a literal devil? Surprisingly, 55% of born-again Christians deny the Holy Spirit as a living entity and 52% deny the devil as a living entity. Except for channeling, astrology, fortune telling, reincarnation, witches, ghosts, and superstition are within a few percentage points between born-again Christians and non-believers. “Based on the above polls, roughly 1 in every 5 Christians in the U.S. is engaged in occultism, even as they worship God.” (p. 60)
Competition in Medicine
Whether eastern-based medicine or western medicine, there is a multitude of so-called healing modalities. A plethora of industries is available to get their share of the huge financial pie. The pharmaceutical industry is one of the …show more content…

He lists adverse drug reactions to be the number four killer of humans. “To give you some sense of the numbers, 2-1/2 times as many people die from adverse drug reactions as they do from AIDS.” (p. 63) The long list of side effects almost makes a person wonder whether the drug is worse than the disease, and in some cases it is. Before taking any prescription drug, a person should ask their doctor about the side effects, and if there is a less severe course of action. “Is playing Russian roulette worth the risk to your life?” (p. 65) Only a perverted system would call evil good and good evil. God is our healer and no where will you find God doing harm in the name of healing. Jim Lynn does leave the door to drugs open a crack. There are some good drugs that do no harm, but those are few and far between. “If we want healing free of acceptable risks, we must turn our face to God, to the Church, and to godly medicine for healing.” (p.

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