
Juan Ponce Dummon Research Paper

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Juan Ponce de León

Born in Santervás de Campos, Spain, in 1460, Juan Ponce de León had sailed on expeditions with Christopher Columbus, and then sailed to the New World on expeditions of his own later on. Although most commonly known for his exploration for the Fountain of Youth, Ponce de León proved to be a great explorer for having resolved the rebellion that had erupted in Hispaniola, but also discovering Puerto Rico and Florida to add to his legacy and story.

In the early 1500's, a rebellion occurred in the New World land of Hispaniola, Ponce de León was on his second expedition to the New World with Columbus. The revolt that had occurred on the island was by the slaves that had inhabited the island island when discovered. Ponce de León had participated in the calming of the rebellion; in return for his efforts he was promoted to a military commander, and received a large portion of the western part of the island to govern.

Juan Ponce had explored the idea of traveling to Puerto Rico when the natives, Taino Indians, of a neighboring island had told him that the island had contained much gold, treasures, and fertile lands. In 1508, Ponce de León had gained permission from Ferdinand II of Aragon to set sail to the island. Later …show more content…

He was guided by the Taino Indians to search for safe and suitable settlement locations on the island. They would find gold, and a bay that would be well suited for settlement and would eventually become the capital of Puerto Rico, San Juan. Ponce de León would return to Puerto Rico as governor of the island to mine for the gold that remained on the island. When word got back to Spain that Ponce de León had settled on the island, he received the title of Adelanto, or governor of Puerto Rico. He was the island's governor for two years until the king replaced him with Columbus'

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