
Justification For Osteoporosis

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Osteoporosis is commonly known around the world as the numbers continue to increase every year. Osteoporosis is known to cause problems in middle aged women and occasionally effecting some men (1), currently reaching the number of 200million women diagnosed with osteoporosis (2). Arthritis Organisation states that anyone can get osteoporosis but women are about four times more likely than men to develop it, with two main reasons contributing to this fact. For several years after menopause occurs (ovaries stop producing oestrogen), the process of bone loss speeds up, increasing the chance of being diagnosed with osteoporosis. Yet men generally reach a higher level of bone density before the process of bone loss begins. Although …show more content…

As osteoporosis occurs due to calcium deficiency, diet habit changes are crucial, allowing the body to recover and strengthen the bones. Bone strengthening nutrition often includes an increase intake of calcium and vitamin D (5).
As recommended, nutritionists often say that a sufficient amount of calcium intake per day is 1000mg for women over the age of 19 (6). Unfortunately, many people find it difficult to meet the requirements as not all calcium we take in is used effectively. Some is lost and some excreted. However, with the menu provided, calcium intake levels have been boosted to fit patients diagnosed with osteoporosis. For example, the glass of milk provided at breakfast contains 300mg per cup, providing approximately 1/3 of the recommended amount (7). Not only does milk boost up the calcium, but most dairy products, tinned sardines or salmons, soy based products and dark leaved vegetables also contain calcium (8). Some of these meals include the cream of potato soup. As it remains as a side dish of the lunch,only 37mg of calcium has been added. With all other meals and their calcium levels, the body is able to receive enough calcium per day, as recommended. One other example throughout the menu that consists of calcium is the apple turnover and custard for the dessert. This dessert comprises of ingredients such as milk and cream allowing the body to consume a sufficient amount of calcium. Other calcium products has been added throughout the meal to balance out the calcium intake of the day, without an overdosage as it can have other side effects such as hypercalcimia which occurs due to too much calcium in the bloodstream.To prevent osteoporosis the menu provides suitable amounts calcium, where the calcium intake approximately adds up to 1087.17 mg (7) per day, meeting the recommendations, which proves that the calcium consumption level is just right to help with the

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