
Kids Participating in Sports and Child Development

Decent Essays

It’s been debated that having kids participate in sports can be either a positive or negative factor in a child’s development. Is participating in sports a positive outcome in a youth’s development? Through my own personal experience and through the research that I have conducted I believe that participating in sports is a true benefit to a child’s development. Participating in sports can contribute to a healthy individual, developing problem-solving skills, social interaction, promotes following direction and rules, goal setting and creating plans, promotes self-esteem, reduces stress, helps academic success, and a higher quality of life. Sports are fun for people of all ages and it’s no secret that sports are good for your health. There are many reasons why people decide to play a sport, but one of those main reasons is because sports help to promote a healthy individual. “Regular exercise increases quality of life. Children who exercise are more likely to continue the practice into adulthood.” (McEntie, 2006) Playing sports can cause long-term weight loss and can help to prevent weight gain. Those who want to lose a massive amount of weight can achieve their goals by playing sports. Participating in sports can improve many things such as heart, lungs, and even blood vessels. Playing sports can reduce the risk of colon cancer, and increase bone mass. According to McEntire (2006) “They also are less likely to be overweight”(p.3). Yes sports help

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