
Kristen's Cookies Case Study Solutions

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Case Report: Kristen’s Cookie Company

1. Assuming that the order contains a dozen of cookies, the time to take a rush order is the sum of cycle times for each activity: 0+6+2+9+1+0+5+2+1=26 min.
2. Assuming a two dozens order, we have to consider that for the first dozen, my roommate can start backing after I have spooned the cookies on the tray. However when backing the second order he simultaneously cools and then packs the cookies from the first order. I can start mixing the second batch without waiting for the first-batch process to be completed (she starts washing out the bowl as soon as she finishes filling the tray). Thus, to fill a complete order for two dozens of cookies will be 36 min (see Gantt chart in the appendix). So …show more content…

Thus we get 6+2*(2+1+2)+1=17 min of valuable time for two orders. For three orders we get 6+3*(2+1+2)+1=22 min of valuable time. A further assumption is that the costs of my and my roommate’s time are L per hour, then the average costs for the first dozen are: (12/60)*L= 0,2L, for the second dozen: ((17/60)*L)/2=0,142L, for the third dozen: ((22/60)*L)/3=0,122. We see that the costs for each the second and the third dozens are less than for the first. Thus, we can give discount on orders for more than one dozen. These can be for the first dozen up to (0,2-0.141)*L=0.058L for the second dozen, and (0,2-0,122)*L=0,078L for the third order.
In the case of more than 3 dozens of cookies we have to consider the fact that the mixing bowl can only hold for up to three dozens of cookies. Thus, we have 12+4*(2+1+2)+1=33 min of valuable time with costs of ((33/60)*L)/4=0,1375. So the maximum is reached when we produce up to 3 dozens, but we should give discounts on 3+ orders, too.
5. As the Gantt diagram shows the electric mixer is not used for a long time within the process, so only one mixer is needed. Buying a new one will not increase the productivity of the process. The number of baking trays equals the maximum number of trays you will be using at any time. The highest volume of production is if three-dozen orders are produced continuously (s. Gantt diagram). The three activities that require a tray are filling the tray, baking and

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