
Kristen's Cookies Company

Decent Essays

Process Flow Diagram

Case Questions

1. How long will it take you to fill a rush order?

Time taken to fill a rush order = MLT = 6 + 2 + 10 + 5 + 2 + 1 = 26 minutes

2. How many orders can you fill in a night, assuming you are open four hours each night?

4 hours per each night = 4 hours * 60 minutes = 240 minutes

Cycle Time = The Duration of the bottleneck = (Setting thermostat and Timer) + (Baking Cookies) = 1 minute + 9 minute = 10 minutes

Maximum no of orders we can fill in a night = (No of minutes per night-Duration of First Setup) / Cycle Time + 1 = ((240 – 26) / 10) + 1 = 22.4 orders ~ 22 orders

Explanation: This is because the first order takes 26 …show more content…

For example, is there a bottleneck operation in your production process that you can expand cheaply? What is the effect of adding another oven? How much would you be willing to pay to rent an additional oven?

• 1 order, only 1 dozen cookie
• Second order comes in while person is making first batch

Assuming that we add another oven, the cycle time of the ovens would be 5 minutes. The new bottleneck for the entire process would now be that of mixing the ingredients and dishing the cookies onto the tray, a process which takes 8 minutes for 1 batch of cookies.

New cycle time = 8 minutes

Maximum no of orders we can fill in a night = (No of minutes per night-Duration of First Setup) / Cycle Time + 1 = ((240 – 26) / 8) + 1 = 27.75 orders ~ 27 orders

Therefore, we would only be willing to pay at the most, (27-22) orders worth of rent, which = 5 * (2.00 + 0.70) = $13.50 per day.
Problems for further thought

1. What happens if you are trying to do this by yourself without a roommate?

Looking at the diagram, from time (23 to 25), I will be involved in the packing of cookies for the first batch. However, I will also be involved in the mixing of ingredients for the third batch. It is not possible for me to be able to do two jobs at the same time; therefore either the third batch of cookies will be delayed or the

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